CRDTC offers AKC CGC, AKC CGCA and AKC Tricks testing several times a year. To participate in the test, you must sign up in advance when sign-ups are open.
To take any of these tests, you will need the following:
Collar - a well-fitted buckle or slip collar (martingales allowed). For the CGC, a body harness may be worn if it does not restrict the dog’s movements.
Leash - a six-foot leash made of either leather or fabric/nylon or biothane.
For the CGC test only: please bring your dog's brush or comb.
If you are taking a tricks test and require props for the tricks, you need to bring the props with you.
Applications for the CGC or CGCA will be completed on-site on the day of the test.
If you pass the test, you will receive a copy of your test results which you will need when applying for an AKC certificate or title whether by mail or online. Please do not lose it!
If you submit your title application(s) via US mail, there are links at the bottom of this page for additional forms you may need to include with your application.

Eligibility: Any dog is eligible to take the AKC CGC test and earn either a certificate or official AKC title.
Eligibility: Any dog who has passed the AKC CGC test can take the CGCA test. If the test is passed the dog must have one of the following: an AKC registration, PAL number, Canine Partners number or apply for the AKC number when applying for the title.
Apply online for a CGCA Title after passing the test (AKC login required first)

AKC Trick DOg TEST Information

Eligibility - Dog must be at least 4 months old. Trick dog titles must be earned in sequenced. Advanced trick titles cannot be earned unless all prior titles have already been earned.
There are five levels of titles:
Novice Trick Dog (TKN)
Intermediate Trick Dog (TKI)
Advanced Trick Dog (TKA)
Trick Dog Performer (TKP)
Trick Dog Elite Performer (TKE)
For example, an TKA title cannot be earned until both a TKN and TKI title have been earned.
Earning a CGC title is not required to earn Trick titles.
If the test is passed the dog must have one of the following: an AKC registration, PAL number or AKC Canine Partners number. or apply for the AKC number when applying for the title.
Test Items:
An owner’s manual for Five Tricks you’ll want to show off:
Logging To AN AKC Account
In order to apply online, you need an AKC account. If you don’t have one, you can create one by following these steps:
To sign into your AKC account:
Goto https://akc.org
n the upper right-hand corner, click on Sign In
Enter your email address which is your username
Enter your saved password for the account and select Log In.
If you don't have an AKC account::
Goto https://akc.org
In the upper right-hand corner, click on Sign In
Select Create your AKC account now and follow the instructions.
Note: Login to the AKC website before trying to follow a link that requires a login.
For Applications submitted via US Mail
If your dog has earned a title and does not have an AKC number, you will need to submit one of the following forms along with the additional fee in the same envelope:
If your dog has earned a Trick dog title, you need to include a Trick dog application with your checklist in the same envelope:
Submit all applications in the same envelope if there is a dependency between them.
The Canine Partners Special Listing Applications shown here is only for use when applying for a dog that has earned one of the following titles and currently doesn't have an AKC number:Canine Good Citize title of record