Please read the CRDTC Policies & Training Guidelines,
then sign the Waiver of Liability
Training guidelines:
Collars and leashes: At the first class, the instructor will demonstrate appropriate styles of collars and leashes, and
advise on how to fit and use them. Different style collars will be demonstrated and discussed. -
Pre-requities: Evaluation/consent of the instructor is required before you can join the advanced classes.
Age requirements: Puppy classes are for dogs less than 6 months old. Any exceptions should be arranged before
the start of the class, with the consent of the instructor. -
Guests and visitors: Friends and family—including children—are most welcome to watch the activities, so long
as they’re seated quietly and don’t disturb the dogs and handlers. Children must be supervised by a responsible adult.
Please remember that not all dogs are comfortable around children or strangers. Before approaching or petting a strange
dog, ask for the owner’s permission. -
Control: Keep your dog on leash except for specifically off-leash exercises. You must control your dog (on leash
and off leash) for the safety and protection of other dogs and people. Also, please try to prevent excessive barking. Dogs
that are overly aggressive or creating a nuisance will be excused at the judgment of the instructor. Please leave female
dogs in season at home. -
Mats, gates, jumps, and other equipment: Everyone’s help is appreciated in setting up the training areas.
Please respect the equipment and facilities. Jumps should be used only by physically mature, healthy dogs. -
Courtesy: Handlers should not train in such a way as to distract or interfere with other dogs and handlers. Please
yield the “right of way.” For example, if a training area is being used for individual instruction, don’t enter or leave your
dog in that area. Please let other dogs and handlers have their turns using jumps and other equipment or training areas. -
Methods: Harsh training methods are not permitted. Special training equipment must be approved by an instructor
or the board. Experienced handlers are reminded that they’re models for beginners — please make sure your actions are
what you want beginners to imitate and what you want the general public to think of obedience training. -
Abuse: No abuse of dogs will be permitted or tolerated.
Clean-up: You’re responsible for what your dog deposits, both inside and outside the facility. Please “exercise” your
dog before class and make sure he doesn’t foul the grounds or the surrounding neighborhood. (There are pick-up bags,
waste buckets, and other cleaning supplies inside and outside, near the entrance to the building.) -
Infractions: Instructors or the club president shall give one verbal warning for any infraction of the club rules.
Further infractions will result in the handler’s suspension.
These guidelines may not cover all situations and problems that could arise. Please use good judgment and
courtesy so that everyone can enjoy the club. Thanks!
Please note the following CRDTC policies:
Handlers should check in at the desk before each class.
Evaluation/consent of the instructor is required before you can join the advanced classes.
NO REFUNDS after classes start. In extremely unusual circumstances, please speak to the club president.
You may withdraw prior to the start of class and request a refund, minus processing fees set by the online payment system.
Holidays: No classes Labor Day, between Christmas & New Year’s Day, or on Memorial Day.
Inclement weather: Messages about weather-related cancellations are posted on the web site.
We value your comments and suggestions! Please fill out and return the questionnaire distributed at the end of yourcourse, write a letter, or speak with a club officer or member of the Board of Directors at any time. Thanks!
Note: Puppies must be on a schedule of routine vaccinations and have had vaccinations appropriate for their age. It is recommended that pups have a series of two vaccinations by the start of class, however, check with your veterinarian.
Please fill out and sign below. Thank you!
I have read the CHARLES RIVER DOG TRAINING CLUB, Inc. (CRDTC) Policies and Training Guidelines, understand them, and agree to abide by them. I understand that attending a dog training class or event may not be without risk to myself, others who may attend, or my dog, because some of the dogs present may be difficult to control and may cause injury even when preventive measures are taken, and because accidents may occur. In signing this waiver, I hereby for myself, heirs, executors, and administrators waive and release all rights and claims for damages that I may have against the CHARLES RIVER DOG TRAINING CLUB, Inc, its officers, directors, employees, members, instructors, and agents, and I acknowledge that CRDTC has no liability for the actions of any dog owner or handler, or any dog including my own.
Thank you for signing the waiver!
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